Sunday, December 25, 2011


I'd like to take a minute to talk about a band I was in called Calibretto. I joined the band in 2002, right after the release of their second album on Tooth&Nail. At first I was just a sub for their bass player who didn't want to go on a month long tour. I was happy to go, even though I had to miss a few ITFOW shows. We didn't get all the way to the West Coast, but we got as for as North Dakota in the north,

...and Corpus Cristy, TX in the south.

I joined that summer and toured around with them for 2 years. Went to the west coast a couple of times, toured with a lot of great bands, and even went to Germany for a week.

It was sort of hard for us to get along. I would consider myself to be pretty bratty then, I would consider Joe to be extremely moody, and Christopher to be, not having any of it.

We put out Dead By Dawn on Standard. To this day... I say it's a great album. Maybe the greatest thing I've been apart of. You should get a hold of it.

Before we broke up we put out a split with Mercury Radio Theater. It's good, but odd.

Joe started a new band called Harley Poe. Their first album was actually recorded by us and was almost a Calibretto release, but it caused turmoil (with me) and broke up the band.

Joe's still kicking around Harley Poe. They sound exactly like Calibretto...but whatever.

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